
I don’t usually use an electric can opener but I received the new Kitchen Mama YES YOU CAN electric (battery operated) can opener in the mail this week and was eager to try it! The folks at Kitchen Mama are hoping to get the word out about how easy it is to use so they are asking bloggers to try it and if they like it, to write a review. AND they gave me two to give away (more on that later).

First of all, I would say that the packaging and colors of the product are very pretty so it could make a great gift! It comes in blue (more of a teal), purple (lavender), red ( more of a melon color), yellow and spring green. It looks a bit like a large pill which is why it has the nickname “The Happy Pill”.

This product is a good fit for kids, seniors or for those who might have arthritis or another condition that causes weakness in their hands. It’s easy to use and because it’s battery-powered, doesn’t need a cord. Simply lay the can opener on top of a can and push the button! When the button is pushed, a small magnet grabs the lid. Once the can opener rotates all the way around the can, you push the button again. The top will be separated from the can at the point where it was glued on and then just comes right off leaving no sharp edges.

It would also be good for campers, RVs, or even on picnics because it’s small and battery-operated.

But the best part about the can opener is that it leaves no sharp edges on can lids so not only is it safe for the one using it, but it’s safer for those handling the trash!

You can order the YES YOU CAN can opener on Shop Kitchen Mama or find it on Amazon! But two lucky people are going to receive one from me. To enter, go to my Instagram account, like the image and leave a comment. I’ll be choosing 2 winners on Saturday at 11:59 p.m. pacific time.



Yes You Can can openers



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