10 Quick Tips On Preventing Falls in Seniors

10 Quick Tips On Preventing Falls in Seniors

For seniors (which if we’re being honest, includes many of us), preventing falls isn’t just about feeling more comfortable in your home, but about avoiding the serious health issues and even death that can follow some falls. The good news is that no matter the...

Exercises to Help Keep Our Elders Active

Exercises to Help Keep Our Elders Active   It is said that inactivity will kill the body faster than any disease, this may be more true than you think since obesity and depression usually follow inactivity.  Exercising releases endorphins in your brain that...

Preventing Falls in the Aging

Senior Citizens and Fall Prevention By Guest Writer: Ruth Rogers Every year, many senior citizens have a fall.  Not all of the falls are devastating, but many of them are. Falls can cause broken or fractured bones, loss of motor function and independence, and even...