
Confessions Of a New Cane User

I have to make a confession. This has been the hardest post for me to write. I have sat down, time and again to put the words together and they just wouldn’t come. It has taken me weeks of prayer, of introspection and a swift kick in the butt to finally get this done....

Finding a Good Doctor For Your Loved One

Finding a good doctor for an elderly loved one can be a challenge. Many rural areas and smaller towns do not have gerontologists available. This means that a family will need to look at the non-specialists available in their area to provide medical care for their...

Trials & Tribulations With The Keurig Coffee System

SUBTITLE: Is a Cup of Coffee Worth THIS Much Trouble? This may not sound like it’s related to caregiving at all, but indirectly, it is.  My father was a coffee drinker.  He probably went through about 2 pots a day up until his last year. He decreased his coffee...

Eating Fish – The Benefits Outweigh the Risks

For many people, the start of a new year brings a resolve to eat more healthy.  One of the ways that we can do this is by choosing to add foods to our diet and that of our loved ones that are healthy in and of themselves. Some of the best “heart healthy”...

Ten Caregiving Goals for 2010

  If you’ve been following me for awhile, you KNOW that the majority of these goals are about taking care of yourself.  Yes, I know I’m being repetitative, but you can’t take care of anyone else effectively unless you take care of yourself...