
adapting to a home after a disabling injury


Facing an unexpected injury raises concerns about personal health and wellness. When an injury or medical condition results in a disability, an individual and their loved ones must adjust to the situation. Learning different ways to make adjustments and changes that improve personal quality of life ensures that a disability does not prevent individuals from enjoying their life.

Give it Time

Do not expect immediate adaptations or adjustments. Take the time to accept the way that a disability changes apersonal lifestyle, particularly if it means that an individual no longer has the ability to socialize in the same way.

Taking time to accept the change allows individuals to adapt and identify their real support network. Expect some changes to personal friendships and accept help from loved ones or friends during a period of transition for your loved one and you.

Talk to a medical professional about the current limitations of your loved one’s body, the possible healing and the way that a disability will impact their health and wellness. If necessary, work with in home health care professionals to make appropriate adjustments to the house or home. Take for example a family that lives  in Dallas, Texas, but needs to get care for their elderly family member in Scottsdale, Arizona.  They can  find an in-home health care company in Scottsdale, Arizona that can provide the opportunity to ensure  that the home your loved one lives in is a safe and healthy environment for them.

Work with in home health care professionals to change the way that you manage the situation andlifestyle. Allow a professional to assist with any healthcare needs and ask questions about the possible future implications of a disability. Obtain advice and assistance until you feel confident in your ability to move forward. In home health care works around your needs and provides appropriate care based on the diagnosis and disability. A professional helps an individual adjust to the changes without limiting personal growth. By working with professionals, individuals learn about their current skills and abilities.

Make Changes to the Home

Depending on the severity of an injury or illness, the appropriate changes for a home will vary.  In some cases, an individual must change the house dramatically to adapt to the disability and injuries. For example, an injury that requires an individual to stay in a wheel chair for a short or long period of time might require putting in ramps for easier access to the building.

Discuss the options with a medical professional before making changes, particularly if a disability is temporary. Some injuries heal over time and individuals regain full mobility. Other injuries have a lasting impact on personal health and require a larger number of changes to a home. An occupational therapist can be a great asset in this regard and will come directly to the home to make recommendations and even demonstrate the proper placement of items such as grab bars and toilet risers.

Set up a Support Network

A healthy support network of friends, family and community support groups plays a key role in adjusting to the changes at home after a disabling injury. Talk to loved ones about the situation and allow them to provide advice based on the medical diagnosis. Ask for help when  necessary and allow loved ones to assist YOU as you assist your loved one.

Discuss changes with friends and family. Allow them to understand the limitations of a disability as wellas the skills that your loved one retains.  Adapting to a disability at home takes time and might require help from friends and family at first. By communicating with loved ones and talking about the situation, an individual maintains a positive outlook on the situation and has the tools to continue working toward new goals and developing new skills.

A disabling injury or illness does not necessarily mean that an individual must give up personal interests, goals or friendships. While it does take time to adapt to the changes at home, professional assistance and tools allow individuals to learn their limitations and their abilities. Working with professionals to make the right changes to the home and then working with your loved one to adjust to the situation allows an individual to maintain a high quality of life.


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